用户协议(User Agreement)




  • 1. “用户”:指使用本网站服务的个人或组织。
  • 2. “服务”:指本网站提供的游戏加速器兑换码的展示、获取及相关服务。
  • 3. “兑换码”:指用于兑换星辰解忧游戏加速器服务的特定代码。


  • 1. 本网站为用户提供游戏加速器兑换码的展示和获取渠道。用户可以通过本网站了解兑换码的相关信息,并在符合条件的情况下获取兑换码。
  • 2. 本网站将尽力确保兑换码的真实性和有效性,但不保证所有兑换码都能成功兑换或在任何时候都可用。


  • 1. 用户权利
    – 用户有权在本网站上浏览兑换码信息,并在符合条件的情况下获取兑换码。
    – 用户有权对本网站的服务提出意见和建议。
  • 2. 用户义务
    – 用户在使用本网站服务时,应遵守国家法律法规和本协议的规定。
    – 用户不得利用本网站从事违法、违规或侵犯他人合法权益的活动。
    – 用户不得将获取的兑换码用于非法目的或转售给他人。
    – 用户应妥善保管自己的账号和密码,不得将其转让、出租或借给他人使用。


  • 1. 本网站上的所有内容,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频、视频等,均受知识产权法律的保护。
  • 2. 本网站的知识产权归星辰解忧工作室所有。未经本网站书面授权,用户不得擅自使用本网站的知识产权。


  • 1. 本网站将严格保护用户的个人隐私,不会向第三方披露用户的个人信息,除非法律另有规定或用户同意。
  • 2. 本网站将采取合理的安全措施,保护用户的个人信息不被泄露、篡改或丢失。


  • 1. 本网站对用户使用兑换码所产生的任何直接、间接、偶然、特殊及继起的损害不承担责任,包括但不限于因兑换码无法使用或失效而导致的损失。
  • 2. 本网站对因不可抗力、计算机病毒、黑客攻击等不可预见、不可避免的因素导致的服务中断或数据丢失不承担责任。


  • 1. 本网站有权随时修改本协议的内容,并在本网站上公布。用户在使用本网站服务时,应关注本协议的变更情况。
  • 2. 如用户违反本协议的规定,本网站有权终止用户的使用资格,并追究用户的法律责任。


  • 1. 本协议的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。
  • 2. 如用户与本网站之间发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。


  • 1. 本协议自用户注册本网站账号或开始使用本网站服务之日起生效。
  • 2. 本协议的未尽事宜,可由双方另行协商补充。


《User Agreement of Star Worry Relief Game Accelerator Redeem Code Website》

Welcome to the Star Worry Relief Game Accelerator Redeem Code website (hereinafter referred to as “this website”). This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this agreement”) is a legal agreement between you and this website regarding the use of the services of this website. Please read the entire content of this agreement carefully before using this website.

I. Definitions

  • “User”: refers to an individual or organization that uses the services of this website.
  • “Service”: refers to the display, acquisition and related services of game accelerator redeem codes provided by this website.
  • “Redeem code”: refers to a specific code used to redeem the services of the Star Worry Relief game accelerator.

II. Service Content

  • This website provides users with a display and acquisition channel for game accelerator redeem codes. Users can browse redeem code information on this website and obtain redeem codes under eligible conditions.
  • This website will do its best to ensure the authenticity and validity of redeem codes, but does not guarantee that all redeem codes can be successfully redeemed or available at all times.

III. User Rights and Obligations

  • User rights
    • Users have the right to browse redeem code information on this website and obtain redeem codes under eligible conditions.
    • Users have the right to provide opinions and suggestions on the services of this website.
  • User obligations
    • When using the services of this website, users shall abide by national laws, regulations and the provisions of this agreement.
    • Users shall not use this website to engage in illegal, irregular or activities that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.
    • Users shall not use the obtained redeem codes for illegal purposes or resell them to others.
    • Users shall properly keep their account numbers and passwords and shall not transfer, rent or lend them to others.

IV. Intellectual Property

  • All content on this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, etc., is protected by intellectual property laws.
  • The intellectual property of this website belongs to the Star Worry Relief Studio. Without the written authorization of this website, users shall not use the intellectual property of this website without authorization.

V. Privacy Protection

  • This website will strictly protect the user’s personal privacy and will not disclose the user’s personal information to third parties unless otherwise provided by law or with the user’s consent.
  • This website will take reasonable security measures to protect the user’s personal information from being leaked, altered or lost.

VI. Disclaimer

  • This website shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, accidental, special or consequential damages caused by the user’s use of redeem codes, including but not limited to losses caused by the inability to use or invalidity of redeem codes.
  • This website shall not be liable for service interruptions or data losses caused by force majeure, computer viruses, hacker attacks and other unforeseeable and unavoidable factors.

VII. Agreement Changes and Termination

  • This website has the right to modify the content of this agreement at any time and publish it on this website. When using the services of this website, users should pay attention to the changes of this agreement.
  • If the user violates the provisions of this agreement, this website has the right to terminate the user’s eligibility to use and hold the user legally responsible.

VIII. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

  • The signing, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
  • In case of a dispute between the user and this website, the parties shall first resolve it through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the people’s court with jurisdiction.

IX. Other Provisions

  • This agreement shall take effect from the date when the user registers an account on this website or starts using the services of this website.
  • Matters not covered in this agreement may be supplemented by the parties through separate negotiation.
The above is the user agreement of the Star Worry Relief Game Accelerator Redeem Code website. We hope that users will strictly abide by the provisions of this agreement when using the services of this website and jointly create a good network environment.